Saving money on your power bill is usually done by turning up the temperature on your air conditioner or turning down the heat, turning out lights and unplugging unused chargers…Here are some ways to save some money on your power bill that you may not know. They apply to heat as well.
• Change your air filters! Most people don’t know which filters to buy or when to change them. Use the cheapest pleated filter you can find. The trick is to keep the particles in the air from getting in the system and getting the air flowing as much as possible. Change the filters monthly, especially in summer.
• Make sure all your air vents are open! Shutting off vents is like having a dirty filter. You won’t cut down on your power bill by shutting the air off to rooms you don’t use as much. Let your AC breathe!
• Have your air conditioner/heater serviced in the Spring and Fall. You wouldn’t run your car 24/7 for months without some sort of maintenance! The money spent on maintenance will be returned with lower power bills and help prevent unexpected breakdowns. The technician should give you a full assessment of your system and everything it needs to work optimally.
The biggest effects on your power bill are:
Dirty Coils
Low refrigerant
Undersized duct system
I hope these tips have been helpful. Call me about my maintenance program!
Best, John